SpeciaL Education

The Ellwood City Area School District is a caring and educational community that is sensitive to individual differences and provides a continuum of services and programs for grades K-12 to ensure the unique individual needs of the students are met, preparing them to reach their potential and to become responsible contributors to society. The District supports an inclusive rationale that recognizes students’ individual learning differences, strengths and/or needs and provides a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all exceptional students according to federal, state, and district policy.

Ellwood City Area School District offers a comprehensive program of services for all identified exceptional children. Programs for students requiring learning support, emotional support, autistic support, life skills support, multiple disabilities support, speech and language support or gifted support are district operated. For students identified as requiring vision support, hearing support programs are provided by the Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV in the Ellwood City Area School District buildings. Depending on the student’s needs, services may be provided within the district or the student may be transported to another district.

The Ellwood City Area School District professional staff constantly strives to improve the quality of the curriculum and instruction presented to our students. The District is proud of the co-teaching model that has been incorporated and promotes the least restrictive environment in order to educate as many special education students within our district as possible.

The District, in conjunction with Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV and other contracted services and agencies, provides services for children identified as having special needs. Parents of a child recommended for special education are involved throughout the screening and evaluation process, as well as in the development of an individualized education program (IEP) for their child. In all facets of the Special Education Program, we encourage you, the parent, to participate in team meetings, to assist with the development of goals for your child and to be included in decisions regarding your child’s programming.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Special Education Department. We want to provide the best possible education for your children to prepare them for the future. We can make a difference by working together, accepting, believing, and caring, because every child is a special child.

Contact Information

Desiree Burns

  • Director of Special Education

  • P: 724.752.1591 ext. 3603

  • dburns@ecasdk12.org

Jaimie Rennie, Psy. D

  • PA Certified School Psychologist

  • P: 724.752.1591 ext. 3602

  • jrennie@ecasdk12.org

Linda Dallies

  • Special Education Secretary

  • P: 724.752.1591 ext. 3600

  • ldallies@ecasdk12.org

The Ellwood City Area School District is required to maintain special education records for six years upon release from services. At the end of this time period, special education records will be destroyed. If you would like a copy of your student's records, please contact the special education office. 

Section 504 Plans

 The District also offers Chapter 15 Service Agreements or Section 504 Plans for students who qualify under the Chapter 15 Protected Handicapped Students who has a mental or physical disability which substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to the student’s school program or another major life activity. These plans are developed to provide appropriate accommodations to help meet student’s needs in the educational environment.

State Performance Plan Report

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004), states must report annually to the public on the performance of each LEA in the Commonwealth on the targets established in the State Performance Plan (SPP). LEA performance on the following SPP indicators for school age students with disabilities, include, Graduation Rates, Drop-out Rates, Participation and Performance on Statewide Assessments, Suspension Rates, Educational Environments, School-Facilitated Parent Involvement, Disproportionate Representation by Categories, Timelines for Initial Evaluation, IEP Secondary Transition Goals and Services and Post-School Outcomes. The reports are now posted and available for public review at the following address: http://penndata.hbg.psu.edu/

PASA Justification Notice

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires Pennsylvania to ensure that the total number of students assessed in each subject using the PASA does not exceed one percent of the total number of all students in the state assessed on the statewide assessments.  Each local educational agency (LEA) must complete and submit the PASA 1.0 Percent Participation Threshold justification to BSE if it anticipates that more than 1.0% of it’s students enrolled in grades 3-8 and 11 will be assessed using the PASA.  A list of LEAs who anticipate exceeding the threshold will be made publicly available on the PDE website in accordance with 34 CFR 200.6 (c)(3) regulations.  LEAs must also make the document publicly available upon request removing any personally identifiable information.  The Ellwood City Area School District anticipates exceeding the 1.0% threshold for PASA participation.  The necessary justification information has been submitted to the Bureau of Special Education.  Questions on the Ellwood City Area School District participation rates should be directed to Desiree Burns, Special Education Administrator at 724-752-1591 ext. 3603.

Annual Public Notice

It is the responsibility of the Pennsylvania Department of Education to ensure that all children with disabilities residing in the Commonwealth, regardless of the severity of their disability, and who are in need of special education and related services, are identified, located, and evaluated. This responsibility is required by a federal law called the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Please see the Annual Public Notice for more information.

Important Notice Regarding Special Education and/or Gifted Education Records


The Ellwood City Area School District is alerting all alumni that after a period of at least six years, Special Education and Gifted Education Records are no longer needed for the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

Ellwood City Area School District alumni who graduated in the year 2019 are advised that their records are scheduled to be destroyed on June 30, 2025. Anyone who wishes to review their records prior to destruction should contact the Special Education Office at 724-752-1591 x3600.

Please note that this alert only pertains to alumni who received services through Special Education and/or Gifted Education while attending the Ellwood City Area School District. Further, only the Special Education and/or Gifted Education portion of the Student Records will be destroyed. The remainder of the student record will not be affected.

Requests for Special and/or Gifted Education Records of students who graduated in 2019 will not be possible after June 30, 2025.