Dr. Rita Hazen's Education
The Dr. Rita Hazen Education Foundation was the project of Dr. Rita Hazen, teacher, and administrator of the Ellwood City Area School District. She organized the Ellwood City Education Foundation in 1998, which after her passing in 2006, was renamed the Dr. Rita Hazen Education Foundation to provide students in the District with as many educational opportunities as possible. The Foundation funds innovative teaching and learning experiences for students in the District. The activity should benefit as many students as possible, enhance the curriculum, be of educational value, and not generally be funded by the District.
Grants have included educational and cultural field trips, visiting poets, musicians, artists, and storytellers, and purchases of software and technology products, to name a few. The Foundation is funded by grants, Ellwood City United Fund, teachers' payroll deductions, corporate and individual contributions, and memorial contributions. Contributions may be sent to The Dr. Rita Hazen Education Foundation c/o Andrea Houk, 7 Grant Road, Ellwood City, PA 16117. Grant requests and communications should be emailed to
The Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and all contributions are fully tax-deductible.
The Board of Trustees includes Greg Fox, Kevin McElwain, Andrea Houk, Karen Williams, and Beth Wyszomierski.
Print Shop Information
The Wolverine Print Shop is located in the first floor of Lincoln High School. It will serve as the central copying center for the District. All major copying will take place at the Print Shop. The employee working the Wolverine Print Shop will make copies from 7:30-11:30 Monday-Friday
Each elementary building will have a copying machine. Staff will be limited to 500 copies per week at the local copier. Please plan accordingly. Staff will be required to enter their personal code into the copier and that code will be entered by the Print Shop Clerk to track all copying.
The Wolverine Print Shop copier will be the copier for Lincoln and will be available for walk-up copying for Lincoln staff from 7:30-8:00 AM each morning. Staff will NOT be allowed to make the copies themselves. They will need to be submitted to the employee working the print shop. It is on a first-come, first-serve basis. There will be a maximum of 500 weekly copies for walk-up copies for all Lincoln staff, just as it is in elementary buildings.
Please allow a maximum of three (3) days for turnaround of print shop requests made to the Wolverine Print Shop. Most likely, requests will be returned sooner.
All requests for copying from the Wolverine Print Shop must include an ECASD Print Ticket. The ECASD Print Ticket is a Google Form directly sent to the print shop clerk. You will attach the document to the Google Form.
The Wolverine Print Shop will only make standard black ink copies on white paper. Any special requests will need to be approved by an administrator. NO COLOR COPIES WILL BE PRODUCED BY THE PRINT SHOP. THOSE REQUESTS MUST GO THROUGH AN ADMINISTRATOR AND PRINTED ON THE BUILDING COPIER.
All multiple-page copies made by the Wolverine Print Shop will be double-sided.
The District will not support or service any local printers purchased by staff, and they are not to be wireless. They must be connected to a computer through a USB port.
The Print Shop will be open ten days in the summer, and most likely, those will be in late August. Any submissions over the summer will not be completed until the Print Shop is opened in August.
Only school-related materials will be copied on District copiers. Please follow all copyright laws when making copies or requesting copies to be made.
If you send a week’s worth of copying together, please note the priorities as to which work should be completed first. The copy center cannot complete all work on Monday. Voluminous or more complex work should be given more time to complete!
Send all documents ready to run! Do not send taped, glued, torn, ripped, pasted, stained, stapled, or illegible originals. A pencil and some pens, such as neon markers, will not copy.
The Print Shop uses a high-volume copier to reduce the workload of teachers and support staff and reduce the wear and tear on the smaller copiers in each building.
Local machines in each building will be able to scan documents to your email that can then be sent to the Print Shop through the ECASD Print Ticket.
Keep in mind copy requests are handled for the entire district. Many factors influence the turnaround time for a given work order; machines break down, are down for routine maintenance, and staff may be out for personal reasons or illness. It is always best to plan and have the “date needed” three to four days before you need it. Allow additional time during the busy season‐ August through October.
Do not send in a semester’s worth of work on one request form and ask for it all back on the same day, the next day, or the first day of school. Divide the work up and submit it on different forms and use a different date needed for each.
Do not count weekends or holidays as production days or use them as your date needed. Do not request ASAP. Put the date needed on your form.
The Wolverine Print Shop reproduces exact copies of documents that are sent without editing, enlarging, or reducing the document. Documents should be edited before it is sent to the Print Shop. Equipment at each school can scan, enlarge, reduce, and edit documents. PDF documents are accepted for copying; however, a Google Doc format is preferred.
Printing requests must be sent using the ECASD Print Shop ticket or by personal delivery to Wolverine Print Shop for Lincoln Teachers. Please remember to fill out the Print Job Ticket completely and accurately to ensure your job request is run properly and returned to you in a timely manner.
Requests should be sent in the correct order and sequence to be copied. Documents are printed in the order and sequence received. The Print Shop does not provide or have the resources to extract certain pages or re-arrange documents before printing.
Requests are worked on based on the date and time they are received for emailed and hardcopy copy requests.
Administrator’s approval is required on requests for color copies, colored paper, heavy-weight stocks, or binding. Those will be printed on the local building machine.
The Wolverine Print Shop employee email address is
The capabilities of the Wolverine Print Shop high volume machine include booklet finisher – folds and staples two on the bind, hole punch 2-3, single staple, double staple, fold only.
The Wolverine Print Shop extension is 3026